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The Search for Climate Honesty



By Craig Rucker

March 14, 2017 - CFACT's Paul Driessen, like Diogenes of old, has taken up the search for honesty.


Unfortunately for him, he is searching among the climate and renewable energy crowd where honesty is scarce.


Driessen writes, "Too many existing policies were devised by special interests seeking money and power, and often using imaginary problems to justify their quest."


If the climate and renewable crowd’s “alternatives are so wondrous," Driessen asks, "why do they still need permanent mandates, renewable portfolio standards, investment tax credits, production tax credits, feed-in tariffs, myriad other subsidies, exemptions from endangered species and other regulations, and laws requiring that utility companies buy their electricity whenever it is produced (even if it is not needed)? Why must they build and run fossil fuel ‘backup’ power plants for the 50% to 85% of the time that wind and solar are not producing?"


These are exactly the kind of questions Team Warming does not want asked, let alone answered, and exactly the kind of inquiry CFACT will not let them escape.


Read Driessen's detailed analysis here.


CFACT's student leaders, another group of inconvenient questioners for the Green Left, interviewed people at Portland State on "Women’s Day."  They didn't find many open-minded tolerant attitudes among those they met, but what they did find, however, were people willing to toss those who disagreed with them in jail!  You can view the humorous but alarming CFACT Collegians video here.


Climate and renewable campaigners present their own set of facts that don't do well when compared to reality.  They live in constant fear of hard questions and straight facts being presented to them.  Worse, they are intolerant of those who dare question or correct them.


The more they protest, the more important it is to correct the record.