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Coal Miners to be Required to Develop Coal Gasification in India



May 26, 2017 - Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan will issue a ministerial regulation to require coal miners to develop coal manufacturing facilities, particularly underground coal gasification, the energy output of which would be used for electricity.

Ministry spokesman Sujatmiko said on Thursday that the minister had instructed the head of the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKKMigas) to accelerate the development of coal gasification.

The ministry’s research and development for coal and mineral technology has also developed three models of geological layers for coal gasification facilities.

“SKKMigas is tasked with developing the project. In the near future, the tryout is expected to be implemented on the field,” said the official, adding that the ministerial regulation would serve as the legal basis for the development of coal gasification.

Under the planned regulation, Sujatmiko added, a mining company could develop its own coal gasification facility or it could also jointly develop the facility.

“If technically and financially ready and there are also companies ready to use the products, the regulation will be issued. Hopefully, it will be in the near future,” he said as reported by on Friday.


Sujatmiko said Indonesia was cooperating with India on the coal gasification program because the country had experience with the technology.