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Coal Executive: Trump Falling Short on Energy Policy, But It's Not His Fault



By Alex Guillén

July 17, 2018 - President Donald Trump still isn't achieving all his goals in undoing the Obama administration's energy policies, coal mining executive Bob Murray said Tuesday — but he doesn't blame Trump and his appointees.

"I do not believe that they have been as effective as they could be," Murray said at the POLITICO Pro summit in Washington. "I believe that the Trump administration is doing all they can and have. There were many illegal things that Barack Obama and his administration did."

Murray also acknowledged that most electric utilities are still moving away from coal, though he contended they are doing it to be "politically correct." 


"They got into the pattern over eight years of Obama of what they had to do to comply with the law," he said. "And they have no desire to change that." - Your Foremost Source for Coal News