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Earn PDH Up to 60 Days After SME's Virtual Event!


MXC Annual Conference & Expo
MARCH 1 - MARCH 5, 2021 | VIRTUAL EVENT Register Now

Your professional development opportunities won't end when MINEXCHANGE 2021 is over.

At the MINEXCHANGE 2021 SME Annual Conference & Expo and CMA 123rd

National Western Mining Conference, you’ll receive complete access to the

entire technical program, not just during the conference, but for 60 days post

conference! You don't need to stress about making the sessions you want.

Watch all the on-demand programming at your convenience.

Stretch your learning potential at MINEXCHANGE. Explore the complete

Technical Program and get ready to dig into everything from critical minerals

to health & safety to tailings management.

Conference Program    Register Now

Plus, plan on connecting at these conference event favorites.

Coffee Connections
Keep the conversation going & share insights of the conference.


Virtual Expo Floor
Find products and solve problems with leading vendors.

Virtual Expo Floor

SME Awards Showcase
Celebrate industry excellence and milestones.


Register at and get ready for 2 months of learning, including PDH credit. Send your whole team to MINEXCHANGE with the group registration rates available online.

Register Now