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Mining Truck vs. Soccer Legend



May 27, 2022 - You need to make sure your equipment is ready to work – where and when you need it! The Cat Trials put our products, services and technology to the test in ways you could only have imagined.

No matter where you live, you’ve seen our customers using Cat products to move mountains, deliver the power and shape the world around us. And we’ve made it our mission to help make sure they’re able to conquer any challenge, by providing critical services, having dealer support where they need it, and a focus on sustainability through innovation and technology to give them an edge.

We put our products, services, and technology to the test - and the most unique way we do that is the Cat Trials!

The Cat Trials involve accomplishing tasks that are limited only by imagination. From a giant game of Jenga® to lighting up a Chinese mountain side, the Cat Trials is an entertaining way to represent the extraordinary challenge you face every single day.

Cat Trial 12 : No Hands

In Cat Trial 12, see soccer legend DaMarcus Beasley and Cat® autonomous machines team up to score big!