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More West Virginia Leaders React to Biden Power Plan



May 15, 2023 - Fallout from latest Biden power plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-derived power generation continues in West Virginia. Here is a compilation of comments made so far by federal & statewide officeholders (and those seeking said job), with more to be added as available (click here for quotes received by lootpress from sitting legislators).


Current US Senators

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)

The Clean Power Plan 2.0 announced today is the Biden administration’s most blatant attempt yet to close down power plants and kill American energy jobs. The EPA has already tried this illegal overreach, which was ultimately overturned by the Supreme Court, but not before it devastated communities in West Virginia and across the country.

Whether it’s through policies like the Inflation Reduction Act or an onslaught of executive branch regulations like those announced today, Americans are well aware that the left continues to wage war on the energy sources that actually power this nation. At a time when millions of Americans are struggling to fill up their tanks and pay their utility bills under President Biden, it’s reprehensible that this administration would clamp down even further on domestic energy production while advancing policies meant to increase demand for electricity. I plan to introduce a Congressional Review Act resolution of disapproval to protect workers and families from the disastrous impacts of these latest job-killing regulations.

Sen. Joe Manchin, (D-WV), Potentially Seeking Reelection

This Administration is determined to advance its radical climate agenda and has made it clear they are hellbent on doing everything in their power to regulate coal and gas-fueled power plants out of existence, no matter the cost to energy security and reliability. Just last week, before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, every FERC Commissioner agreed that we cannot eliminate coal today or in the near future if we want to have a reliable electric grid. If the reports are true, the pending EPA proposal would impact nearly all fossil-fueled power plants in the United States, which generate about 60 percent of our electricity, without an adequate plan to replace the lost baseload generation. This piles on top of a broader regulatory agenda being rolled out designed to kill the fossil industry by a thousand cuts.

Neither the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law nor the IRA gave new authority to regulate power plant emission standards. However, I fear that this Administration’s commitment to their extreme ideology overshadows their responsibility to ensure long-lasting energy and economic security and I will oppose all EPA nominees until they halt their government overreach.

Current US Representatives

Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV1), Running for Reelection

Once again, the Biden Administration is shutting down American energy production in the name of climate change. President Biden’s war on coal to promote Green New Deal policies is insulting to hard working West Virginians. This overbearing EPA rule will kill domestic energy production and force jobs overseas, giving more power to our adversaries. Energy security is national security, and I will do everything in my power to stop the Green New Deal from infiltrating the pro-American energy policies House Republicans are fighting for.

Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV2) & 2024 Candidate for US Senate

As energy costs remain sky-high, President Biden continues to push the war on coal that was accelerated by President Obama. Biden’s out-of-control EPA is laser-focused on killing domestic energy jobs in West Virginia & ushering in the Green New Deal.

I will continue to oppose this radical agenda and advocate for pro-West Virginia & pro-U.S. energy policy in the United States Congress.

Gubernatorial Candidates

WV Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, 2024 WV Gubernatorial Candidate

Based upon what we currently know about this proposal, it is not going to be upheld, and it just seems designed to scare more coal-fired power plants into retirement—the goal of the Biden administration. That tactic is unacceptable, and this rule appears to utterly fly in the face of the rule of law. The U.S. Supreme Court has placed significant limits on what the EPA can do—we plan on ensuring that those limits are upheld, and we expect that we would once again prevail in court against this out-of-control agency.

We urge everyone not to fall for this clear attempt to accomplish what the law doesn’t allow. We need the plants to stay open.

Del. Moore Capito (R-Kanawha, 55), 2024 WV Gubernatorial Candidate

President Biden launched another hit on West Virginia energy production today by proposing that every power plant in our state adopt uneconomical and ineffective technology or risk shut down. At a time when America needs to return to energy independence, these proposed regulations will have a chilling effect on our economy and devasting [sic] impact on family checkbooks.

West Virginia coal and natural gas are proven and reliable sources of clean energy. It makes no sense for President Biden and overreaching DC bureaucrats to use the regulatory process to hurt our economy and hard-working families. Governors are the last line of defense in the battle to stop the insanity coming out of Washington DC. I will stand up and fight them every step of the way and protect West Virginia’s future. A future that is built on an all-of-the-above energy policy and return to American energy independence.

Board of Public Works Candidates

Sen. Ryan Weld (R-Brooke, 01), 2024 Candidate for Attorney General

President Biden continues his war on American Energy. With 60% of our electricity being generated by fossil fuels, he is willing to put national security at risk for a perceived political win. This is exactly the type of D.C overreach I will fight against as your next Attorney General.

Del. Caleb Hanna (R-Nicholas, 48), 2024 Candidate for Auditor

I’m adamantly opposed to the Biden Clean Power Plan. It clearly represents an overreach by the federal government the Supreme Court has already found unconstitutional. The plan will infringe on states’ rights to determine their own energy mix and will lead to increased energy costs for industry and working families alike. Biden’s plan will result in the destruction of good-paying jobs in the energy sector, not just in West Virginia but across the country in states that rely heavily on coal and other fossil fuels. If Joe Biden fails to reconsider these actions, it’s critical Congress step in and stop the administration’s disastrous Clean Power Plan.

Del. Chris Pritt (R-Kanawha, 53); 2024 Candidate for Secretary of State

This “plan” is yet another attack on West Virginia jobs. It’s always the middle class that bear the brunt of policies like this.

It’s also devastating to the American economy. Globalists do not hold others to the same standard as us. While China and others are pushing ahead with more coal fired power plants and more CO2 emissions, wealthy Washington insiders who can easily absorb increased costs smugly look down on us, the people of Appalachia who built post-War World 2 America.

The Biden “plan” is a disgrace that will destroy our economy and help the economy of China and others, countries who act adversely to our interests.