West Virginia Republicans Take House Along With All Three US House Seats; State Senate Deadlocked at 17
November 5, 2014 – In West Virginia, House Republicans were projected to close the night with a 64-36 edge which clearly places the Republican Party with a majority of members in the State House of Delegates for the first time since the 1930s.
All told, there were 17 new Republicans wining their respective districts and 1 incumbent Republican house member having lost their seat.
On the State Senate side, the Republican Party picked up 7 new members winning in the 1st District (Ferns R for Fitzsimmons D), 2nd (Leonhardt R for Edgell), 6th Maynard R for Chafin D, 8th (Gaunch R for Wells D), 11th (Karnes R for Tucker D, 15th (Trump R for Cookman D) and 17th Takubo for Skaff D, leaving the State Senate tied at 17 Ds and 17 Rs.
Congressionally, Shelley Moore Capito easily won the US Senate seat held by Jay Rockefeller since 1984 and David McKinley won reelection to West Virginia’s 1st Congressional District, Alex Mooney defeated Nick Casey in the State’s 2nd Congressional District and current State Senator Evan Jenkins defeated 38-yr veteran, Nick Rahall in the 3rd Congressional District.
Nationally, Republicans will also take control of the US Senate and make substantial gains in the US House of Representatives.
Note that these results are preliminary and will not be final until the Secretary of State certifies the election which generally takes about a week to ten days. Between now and then, particularly in the close races, there may be challenges and a recount before the election results are certified.