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Clean Coal Technologies on the Front Lines

November 6, 2014 – Clean Coal Technologies are on the front lines of the battle to decrease greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants.  They have a patented technology that is a low cost way of converting raw coal into a cleaner more efficient fuel source. In fact, the Company’s pre combustion technology can reduce some 90% of chemical pollutants from coal including Sulfur and Mercury.   



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced newly proposed guidelines for the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.   The company has responded in kind and is very well positioned to be a big part of the solution to meet these standards. 



Clean Coal Technologies is rapidly heading toward successful commercialization.  They have first mover advantage and a virtually unlimited global market opportunity. 


  • The company is about to complete a Pilot Plant and test program at Shady Point, LeFlore County, OK in Q4, 2014. 


  • The co is completing work on the commercial program with Jindal Steel & Power, one of India’s largest producers of steel and electric power with over a billion tons of coal reserves in South Africa.  CCTC will receive a licensing fee on a per ton basis.  


  • Ongoing discussions with major corporations and power plants in the US and across five Continents including S. Korea, Australia, Europe and India. 


A fact sheet and an article are attached.