Energy Ventures Analysis Report Is “One More Warning” that EPA’s Proposed Power Plan Will Significantly Raise Electricity Prices
In the following statement, National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn urged Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials to heed the warning of one more expert analysis revealing that EPA’s proposed power plan will significantly increase electricity costs for all Americans:
November 21, 2014 – “Peabody Energy’s release today of a study by the Energy Ventures Analysis adds to the growing number of experts warning that EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan will significantly raise the cost of electricity for all Americans. This latest analysis further confirms that there are no low cost or safe options under EPA’s costly power plan.
“We also see more electric grid operators concluding that EPA’s plan is not only costly but very risky as well. Studies by regional transmission organizations, including the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the Southwest Power Pool, the PJM Interconnection and the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), all warn that EPA’s proposal will create electricity generation capacity shortages with a greater likelihood of rotating or cascading outages.
“If EPA continues to ignore these warnings about what experts say is an unworkable plan, we can only hope that the states will advise EPA that they will not be a party to foisting this costly and risky plan on their citizens.”