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Coal News and Markets Report: November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014 – The Coal News and Markets Report has been updated for the business week ending November 21, 2014.  Prices are for Q1 2015.


Price for Powder River Basin has remained at $11.55 and price for Uinta Basin has remained at $37.75.


All other prices have changed from week ending November 14, 2014.  For the week, spot prices:


•  Decreased from $56.30 to $56.10 in the Central Appalachia Basin

•  Increased from $63.55 to $65.30 in the Northern Appalachia Basin

•  Decreased from $44.70 to $44.55 in the Illinois Basin


Please note that the Coal News and Markets historic graphic is back up with data provided by SNL Energy.


In addition to prices provided in $ per short ton, we have also provided prices in $ per mmbtu.


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