McKinley Responds to Obama’s Newest Politically Driven Regulation
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman David McKinley responded to the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed changes to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone, which would have devastating consequences to America’s economy.
“While many of us are travelling or with our families enjoying Thanksgiving celebrating another year together and giving thanks, this President broke another promise to America. The American people said that the key problem is our economy. Businesses operate by staying focused on the matter at hand to solve key problems. However, the President’s recent climate deal with China, his immigration plan and now his ozone proposal, he seems to be ignoring, once again, our economy.
“In fact, before his re-election in 2011, President Obama admitted that a new Ozone Regulation would be a detriment to the American economy and cost millions of jobs and directed the EPA to withdraw the proposed regulation. What has changed so drastically in 3 years when studies have been published to suggest that many of our cities have already reduced ground-level ozone by as much as 60 percent?
“This newest proposal is merely a continuation of his destruction on our domestic energy and manufacturing production. In fact, studies show that the lowering of this standard is going to cost Americans as much as $3.4 trillion, 20 percent of our total economy, making this one of the most expensive and job destroying regulations ever issued.
“West Virginians have already taken a devastating hit from this President and his War on Coal. Essentially, this regulation will take another $1,500 every year out of each West Virginian’s pocketbook. Even the local dry cleaner and gas station will be affected.
“The key item people need to realize is that the EPA is not required to reduce the standard, but merely required to review it. Given the fact that most of our nation is still in the early stages of implementing the 2008 standard and ground-level ozone is dropping, it’s time the President remembers his words from 2011 and retain the current standard.
“This election was a referendum on the President and his poor policies. This proposed rule is a perfect example of that. With our national debt over $17 trillion and this country in a severe deficit, one would think that now is not the time to issue another regulation that would further harm the American economy.”
On November 13, 2014, Congressman McKinley and his Energy and Commerce Committee colleagues wrote a letter to the EPA urging the agency to provide for full accounting costs of this regulation.