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Stand Up and Fight for Coal, Says Reid



December 23, 2019 - “If what’s left of the US coal industry is to be saved, Obama’s EPA CO2 endangerment finding must be overturned,” said Bill Reid, Managing Editor of CoalZoom. “But we need your help to fund our efforts to make it happen.”

Next year, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), coal production will fall to 601 million tons reflecting continued idling and closing of mines. Moody’s expects that within 10 years production will fall to about 300 million tons as coal power plants are closed in the name of reducing CO2 levels.

CoalZoom has teamed up with respected industry leader, Fred Palmer, and internationally renowned scientist, Dr. Craig Idso, in the campaign “Saving US Coal” with the single goal of overturning the CO2 endangerment finding. “It is now crystal clear that the overturning of the CO2 endangerment finding is the only way the American coal industry can be saved from total destruction,” said Reid.

The CoalZoom campaign was launched in November and already four videos have been released. The legal filing is now planned for January. The progress with “Saving US Coal” and the videos can be seen here.

“We have a choice to make,” said Reid. “We can either do nothing or we can stand and fight for our industry that has made America great. I ask you to stand up with us and join the fight by making a donation to “Saving US Coal”. A form is can be found here. Thank you!”